There is some great news regarding localities starting to see no new cases of COVID-19. While some countries and states are still seeing new cases, these spots are reporting that no news is good news!
Hong Kong, densely populated and initially hard hit, has not had a new case in over three weeks. Officials are now discussing options to ease quarantine and travel restrictions.
New Zealand is also reporting no new cases of the coronavirus. The outbreak caused 20 deaths in New Zealand, but they were not hit very hard and are now in talks to open up travel with Australia, another country that was not hit very hard.
In news closer to home, both Hawaii and Montana are now reporting that they have had no new cases. These positive trends bode well for other states and countries as we continue to deal with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn more at https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/states-cities-and-countries-report-no-new-cases-of-covid-19/